You are currently viewing Gluten Free Diet Plan For Beginners & Foods To Avoid
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  • Reading time:7 mins read

Gluten-Free is a top-notch buzzword that can be seen these days to attract customers while pitching a healthy product or recommended by the dietician for better health. Many consider it a necessary part and some consider it as another “in the Fashion FAD” diet.

But before you should move to leave gluten, we will analyze all the points which will clarify whether gluten is harmful or harmless.

What is gluten free food?

Gluten is a type of protein found in grain, including wheat, rye, barley, triticale etc.

 It acts like a natural adhesive that binds the object and makes it elastic. It is due to gluten, the dough looks elastic and also provide it with a textured look.

It is commonly found in food items like bread, pasta, pizza, doughnuts etc and also found in condiments like soy sauce, Barbecue sauce, ketchup etc.

What foods do you avoid on a gluten free diet? 

A true Gluten-Free product will be the one that will completely lack this protein from its ingredients.

Following is the list of Food that has gluten:-

  1. Grain containing Gluten:-
    1. Wheat
    2. Barley
    3. Rye
    4. Triticale
    5. Kamut
    6. Farro
    7. Couscous
    8. Spelt
  2. Condiments containing Gluten:-
    1. Soy sauce
    2. Tomato Ketchup
    3. Barbecue sauce
    4. Cream Sauce
  3. Baked Goods:-
    1. Cakes
    2. Pastries
    3. Pretzels
    4. Cookies
    5. Muffins
  4. Noodle, Spaghetti, dumplings
  5. Beverages:-
    1. Beer
    2. Premade coffee drinks
  6. Processed foods
    1. Burger
    2. Pizza
    3. Processed Sugar
    4. Processed Cheese
    5. Flavoured Tofu
    6. Processed Nuts
  7. Alcoholic Beverage
    1. Beer
    2. Ale
    3. Dessert wines

Gluten free diet plan for beginners (A Week Plan)

Now we will share with you a 7-day Gluten free diet plan through which you can easily do this diet plan.

Monday: You can start your day with some fresh fruits as breakfast, Fresh vegetable salad for lunch and Gluten-Free chicken or Potatoes mashed.

Tuesday: You can start your day with a cup of Blueberries or a baked omelette. At lunch, you can have Gluten-free pancakes and at Dinner, you can have scrambled eggs with spinach.

Wednesday: In Breakfast, you can have Gluten-Free oats and a cup of blueberries or any other seasonal fruits. At lunch, you can have sweet potato burritos and at night, can have fried chicken with broccoli.

Thursday: Try strawberry or coconut smoothies in the morning after that brown rice pasta for lunch. For supper, you can take ground beef.

Friday: GF toast with fruits in the morning. At lunch, try grilled salmon fish. At dinner veg curry with rice.

Saturday:  Start the morning with Omelette. At lunchtime quinoa and for dinner chicken breast and brown rice.

Sunday: On the last day, take mixed fruit juice in the morning. At lunch veg gluten free burger and in dinner grilled halibut fish.

What happens when you stop eating gluten?

Gluten’s main sources are whole grain food which contains a lot of fibre. If you leave them without a substitute(E.g. green leafy vegetables) for fibre, then it can cause stomach issues like constipation.

You can feel nausea, dizziness and anxiety for someday when you ditch gluten, which are normal withdrawal symptoms for gluten. These symptoms usually go on their own after some week, but if they remain the same then consult a doctor.

You can also feel hungry, when on a normal gluten diet, as your stomach craves more complex food for the digestion process. Try eating more protein and fibre based foods.

Is gluten bad for you?

Not At all !!  

Celiac disease is the only case that is caused by gluten. Celiac disease is the sensitivity issue caused by gluten which causes symptoms like constipation, bowel inflammation, abdominal pain etc.

Leaving gluten can only be beneficial for such patients and it doesn’t cause any harmful effect on the body directly.

Gluten free diet pros and cons

Now we are quoting some of the Pros and Cons of the Gluten-free Diet which is a quick summary:-


  1. Very beneficial in the case of Celiac disease and Gluten Allergy. 
  2. Safe and Flexible to follow with proper Nutritional planning.
  3. It reduces the bad cholesterol (LDL) and increases good cholesterol(HDL) in daily life.
  4. Reduces Carbohydrates from the plate
  5. It increases Lactose intolerance for those who are suffering from gluten sensitivity.


  1. Gluten products(Bread etc.) mainly include fibre. Excluding them without adding their substitute will lead to the body being in a stage without them and Gut issues like Diarrhoea. 
  2. Gut Health is not guaranteed to be good in this diet as it excludes fibre found in Gluten food, and it leads to damage of the good bacteria in the stomach. 
  3. There are many reports that show that leaving gluten can lead to body weight gain in many cases. The reason behind this is strange but easy to understand the fact is that leaving gluten results in clearing the intestinal tract and hence the body starts gaining nutrients from food easily. However, this is not seen in every case and opposite results are also seen resulting in weight loss.