You are currently viewing Intermittent Fasting Guide (Types, Results & Rules)
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  • Reading time:5 mins read

Fasting is an older concept in which eating or drinking is voluntarily left for some time due to which many benefits are scored. It is an older concept and remains a custom in many religions like Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Islam, etc. till today. Intermittent fasting is very closer to the newly born Calorie Restriction Diet, which is a diet pattern in which food intakes are reduced without getting malnutrition. However science is still researching on its long term photo.

3 types of intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting is distinguished into 3 parts:-

  • Alternate Day Fasting:- It is the Fasting type in which a complete 24 hours food intake is followed by a 24 hours fasting pattern. It is called as a strict form of fasting, because of increased number of fasting days.
    They are two sub types of alternate day fasting:-
  1. Complete Alternate Day Fasting :- In this type of alternate day fasting, no Calories are consumed.
  2. Modified Alternate Day Fasting :- In this type of alternate day fasting, calories are consumed but in a lower quantity than regular diet.
  • Periodic Fasting:- This type of fasting involves a period of continuous fasting with more than 24 hours, For example 2 continuous days fasting and consumption of 500 to 700 calories.
  • Time-Restricted Feeding: This type of fasting includes eating during some hours a day and following a 16:8 diet in which 16 hours of non eating hours and 8 hours of eating hours. Time Restricted Feeding is also majorly practiced by religious groups like Hinduism practice it on Navratri by holding fast for 9 days straight, Islam practice it on Ramadan by holding fast for a month (eating on a time known as Sehri) and Jainism Buddhism on different days

Intermittent Fasting Results

  • As of 2019, intermittent fasting is still treated as Fad diet, which attracted many celebrity endorsement and public interest.
  • According to a report published on 2019 that due to time restricted feeding; increased stress resistance longevity, and decreased sign of cancer and obesity is shown in practitioner.
  • American Heart Association (A.H.A.) recommends it as a choice for weight loss and calorie control as it was considered as wider diet change for overweight people.
  • However Institution like American Diabetes Association and New Zealand’s Ministry of Health consider that Intermittent Fasting benefit is still in question for diabetic patients.
  • NIA state similar like ADA and Ministry of health, New Zealand that intermittent fasting can be beneficial in weight loosing for obese people but it is not recommended for Non-obese people due to uncertainty about safety.

Intermittent Fasting Rules

As we have already discussed the plans in the intermittent fasting, we will now view them with the Rules:-

  1. 16:8 Plan – An 16:8 or Time Restricted Diet is fasting for 16 hours and have food in between rest of 8 hours. Let us take an example that you are following this by skipping breakfast, and then you should fast till lunch at 12’o clock and last meal at 8 P.M.  You can toggle this by skipping dinner and taking first meal at breakfast 8 AM, and last at 4 P.M.
    Total Calorie consumption should be 2300.
  2. 24 Hour Plan: In 24 hour meal, it is easy to track the timings. Start the diet by eating on a given time and then eat nothing till next day at same time. For example, finishing dinner at 8 PM and then take dinner at same time next day.